Mac requirements (64-bit only):
OS X (10.9 or higher), Intel processor, 2GB of ram.
Mac M1 support using Rosetta only at this time (native support coming soon)
Compatible host application:
– Logic Pro: 10.x
– Pro Tools: from version 11.3.2 and up
– Cubase 9.5 and up (latest version 11.x)
– Nuendo: 8 and up (latest version 10.x)
– Live: 9 + 10
Win requirements (64bit only):
Windows 7 or higher, Core 2 or higher, 2GB of ram.
Compatible host application:
– Pro Tools: from version 11.3.2 and up (latest version 2020.9.x)
– Cubase 9.5 and up (latest version 11.x)
– Nuendo: 8 and up (latest version 10.x)
– Live: 9 + 10
While Relab products work well in almost all compatible DAWs, unfortunately, we cannot officially support DAWs not listed above at this time.
We strongly suggest you test your system using our free trials to ensure compatibility prior to purchase.
We’ll update this list as we add more DAW support.